This year we hosted a past IEEE ComSoc DL Prof Mohammed-Slim Alouini which discussed new suggested technologies that might drive 6G. Moreover we hosted a representative from the communication industry and from the Jordan Engineering Association (JEA). Both gave interesting talks and participated in a panel discussion about relevant topics.
Joint ComSoc & SPS Chapter Launch
Date: 31 Aug 2019
We have launched the joint ComSoc & SPS chapter in an event hosting the IEEE section chair and a few young researchers who discussed avenues of research. Also, we financially supported the newly established student branches.
The Path to Innovation: A Story Collection by a Grey-Haired Dude
Location: University of Jordan
Date: 1 Aug 2019
The word “Innovation” may not be very well understood by many and more often is mistakenly mixed up with the word “Invention”. In this prominent IEEE Distinguished Lecture event, one would stop and ask “what is innovation? How is it measured, managed and nourished? What elements that lead to an innovative work? Is Innovation a God given gift or it can be acquired? Though the answers to these questions are subjective in nature, the statistics of successful, and what people have labeled as “innovative” work can provide some credible answers. Instead of presenting a highly technical talk about circuits only very few can follow with equations and plots that maybe forgotten, the speaker decided to walk the audience through different elements leading to an innovative work based on a collection of some real life stories over a twenty-year span career. The talk should appeal to various disciplines and audience within IEEE as well as to various students of all academic levels.
Osama Shanaa: (IEEE S’94, M’01, SM’03) has been with MediaTek Inc USA. as a Senior RFIC Design Director since 2008, where he is responsible for the development of various CMOS RF SoC products for both cellular and connectivity, generating over $5B in revenue with some products shipping over 20-million units per month. He received his B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering with high honor from University of Jordan in 1992, the M.S.EE degree from Portland State University in 1996 and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Stanford University in 2001. Prior to joining MediaTek, he held various IC design positions at Radio Comm. Corp., National Semiconductor, and Maxim Integrated Products, where he led many successful RF wireless products. Dr. Shanaa is an Associate Adjunct Professor at the University of California at Berkeley where he teaches advanced circuit design classes for wireless communications. He is a Fulbright scholar, a member of the Etta Kappa Nu honor society and is a senior IEEE member. He currently serves on both Technical Program and Steering Committees for the IEEE RFIC Symposium. Dr. Shanaa is a former Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques as well as a Guest Editor for the IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits. He served as a Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE Solid State Circuits Society between 2015~2017. He received the Innovation Award from MediaTek three times and was nominated for the President of Singapore Innovation Award in 2013.
SPARK II Panel Discussion
Location: Amman Citadel.
Date: 27 April 2019
The chapter chair, Dr. Aldalahmeh, has been invited to participate in the panel discussion of the IEEE SPARK II student event to discuss the communication education state of affairs in Jordan.
5G Future Networks: Coexistence or Contradiction
Location: JEEIT 2019 Confernce
Date: 17 April 2019
The chapter chair, Dr. Aldalahmeh, has given a workshop on 5G technology in the JEEIT 2019 conference.
ComSoc & SPS Membership Benefits at JU
Location: Jordan University
Date: 10 Mar 2019
The IEEE Jordan joint ComSoc & SPS chapter was invited to elaborate on the membership benefits of the ComSoc and SPS at the Jordan University (JU).
ComSoc & SPS Membership Benefits at PSUT
Date: 6 Mar 2019
The IEEE Jordan joint ComSoc & SPS chapter was invited to elaborate on the membership benefits of the ComSoc and SPS at the Princess Somaiya University of Technology (PSUT).